Penetration Testing

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Systematically test, identify and eliminate your technical vulnerabilities

Today, organizations are facing cyber-attacks of ever-increasing sophistication and intensity. Comprehensive penetration testing is an essential component to adequately defend against attacks from determined threat actors.

SureCloud Cyber Services offers a diverse range of advanced penetration testing services, which have been designed to ensure your organization stays one step ahead of hackers.

Application Security

Improve your applications’ security posture with our expert-led penetration testing services.

Infrastructure Security

Safeguard your critical infrastructure

Product Security Testing

Ensure your risks are covered across all assets

Cloud Security

Protect your cloud environments with our holistic cloud security advisory and assessment services

Identify and remediate key infrastructural weaknesses

Your networks and devices are key targets for threat actors – does your organization possess the necessary skills and resources to secure them?

Objectively determine how easily your internal and external networks can be compromised with Infrastructure Security Penetration Testing from SureCloud Cyber Services.

Our expert team will identify your key areas of weakness and determine to what extent threat actors would be able to exploit your vulnerabilities to gain access.


Test and secure your cloud environments

With cloud adoption at an all-time high, ensuring the security of this virtual infrastructure has never been more important.

Our expert testing team will assess your cloud environments to ensure that best practice is being followed in your deployment of cloud and SaaS technologies.

SureCloud specialists will conduct in-depth configuration analyses of your cloud platforms to identify any errors which could be exploited by threat actors.

Identify and remediate application vulnerabilities

Ensure the security of your mission-critical applications with Application Security Penetration Testing from SureCloud Cyber Services.

Our expert team can assess the security of applications, ranging from web to mobile apps, to the APIs that you rely on to connect sensitive data.

SureCloud Cyber Services delivers detailed reporting and debrief sessions to provide a clear roadmap for improvement.


Test and secure your networked and connected devices

Increasingly, threat actors are targeting connected hardware as a means of breaching an organization’s cyber defenses. Product Security from SureCloud provides a rigorous testing program, through which key connected and IoT device vulnerabilities are identified.

Our expert consultants will deliver reports and remediation, recommending the implementation of extensive rules and policies to govern the use of all devices tested by SureCloud.

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